Privacy Policy

Before accessing our Site and hiring us, you should be aware of our privacy policies and terms and conditions. The company has its own privacy that includes the below discussed things.


Personal information

We collect all the information of the customers when you use our websites or applications. We collect some personal data, but we don’t reveal those with third party sites. The personal information includes your name, mail id or number, etc. This information includes demographic information like gender, date of birth, preferences, and education criteria.


We may collect some more data other than this after getting approval from you. We never share those details with any of the third party. We use your personal information to operate and improve our service. We keep these things to send you personal information. We keep these things for the following reasons:


  • To provide better customer service to our visitors.
  •  To deliver you the messages and notifications regarding the service. We keep the personal information to send you invoices and for confirmation.
  •  To send you the information regarding the products and service and the new promotions.


Unsubscribe Newsletter Service

Generally, we update our clients about our services and presents by way of sending these emails or newsletters. But if a customer does not want longer emails or e-newsletter from us in the future, then you can simply submit the details by clicking the unsubscribe button.

After that, he/she will never get any message from the company. To subscribe to this again, you can again subscribe to our newsletters.


Call Recording

We monitor and everything so that our customers can never face any hassle. For the interior monitoring, your call may be recorded. We do this for the company’s benefits and, of course, for the convenience of users. We don’t reveal these phone recordings to anyone.


Updating your Personal Information If you change your personal information at any time, then you should update those with us for future communications. We always invite you to correct or update the information. You can also request the changes for mailing us and for contacting us.


How we protect your information?

We protect all your data and store them in a database for future connection or further requirements. We will store your data and process them when it’s required. We measure the necessary precautions against unauthorized access and protection against cybercrimes.


We provide security against disclosure and destruction of information like passwords, usernames and transaction details, etc. So, don’t worry about any frauds and cybercrimes. All the communication between the company and user happens over an SSL secured communication channel.



Changes to this policy

The company may change the policy and update them continuously. We share all our updated points through the website. So, you should connect with us and check the policy from time to time.


We will post those changes on this page and/or update the Privacy Policy modification on this page. We encourage our users to check this page from time to time.


We want to hear from you. You can suggest to us the things you want to changes or improvements to the service. When you agree with our terms and privacy, you can easily access this Site, so before allowing them access, make sure you know the companies’ policies and norms.


Non-personal identification information The company can also collect the non-identification information of the users. Whenever you interact with us, we collect those data.


The non-identification information includes the browser name, the kind of computer, and technical facts, the user’s method of connection to our Sites, such as the working device and the Internet carrier carriers applied, and other comparable facts. Cookies We follow cookies policy as per the other company’s norms. So, there is no dissimilarity.


Contacting Us

If there is any question regarding the policy and terms and conditions, then you can call our executives and talk to them. We are available M-F 8:30AM to 5:30PM (Pacific Time) to provide you hassle-free service. To get any kind of help just call or send us an email. Feel free to connect with us.